Mahler > Symfonie nr. 1
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest
Daniele Gatti
Mahler > Symfonie nr. 1
Catalog number
RCO 18005
Producer / Balance Engineer
Everett Porter
Recording Engineer
Lauran Jurrius
Additional info
Live recording, Concertgebouw, 10/11 January and 9/11 May 2018
Daniele Gatti and the RCO are presenting an unconventional and thought-provoking approach to Mahler’s First Symphony. At the premiere in 1889, the audience was ill-prepared for Mahler’s bold orchestration, but the symphony gradually gained in popularity. The Concertgebouw Orchestra, conducted by the composer himself, gave the Dutch premiere in 1903. Mahler was absolutely delighted, exclaiming, ‘The musical culture in this country is stupendous! The way the people can just listen!’ This luxurious edition in book form is available in a limited edition.
“Gatti’s perfectionism gives audience a memorable Mahler” – Mischa Spel, NRC
“Gatti and the RCO coloured Mahler’s complex score with masculine lust, touches of theatrical tragedy and an excess of imaginative, predominantly earth-oriented joy.” – Wenneke Savenije, De Nieuwe Muze
“In Gatti’s compelling narrative the music got a timeless dimension” – Joost Galema, NRC
Uit de pers (NL):
‘Perfectionisme Gatti zorgt voor Mahler die de zaal nog lang zal bijblijven’
– Mischa Spel, NRC
‘Gatti en het KCO kleurden Mahlers complexe partituur met masculiene wellust, vleugjes theatrale tragiek en een overmaat aan tot de verbeelding sprekende, overwegend aards georiënteerde levensvreugde.’
– Wenneke Savenije, De Nieuwe Muze
‘In Gatti’s meeslepende vertelling kreeg de muziek een tijdloze dimensie’
– Joost Galema, NRC