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P. I. Tchaikovsky

Manfred Symphony

Russian National Orchestra
Mikhail Pletnev, conductor
Norbert Gembaczka, organ



Manfred Symphony


Russian National Orchestra
Mikhail Pletnev, conductor
Norbert Gembaczka, organ


P. I. Tchaikovsky
Manfred Symphony, op. 58





Catalog number

PTC 5186 387


Job Maarse

Balance Engineer

Erdo Groot

Recording Engineer

Roger de Schot


Additional info

Classical CD review June 2014

“The remarkable Mikhail Pletnev concludes his Pentatone Tchaikovsky symphony series with this magnificent account of Manfred. He already has multiple recordings of all of these works, and continues to be an outstanding interpreter of Tchaikovsky’s music—not only as conductor, but a pianist as well, having recorded all of the works for piano and orchestra (many available on video). His latest recording of the Pathétique is among the finest you’ll ever experience, and this Manfred is in the same category. Some might question Pletnev’s deliberate tempo for the main opening theme of the finale, but it works. The solo organ in the finale is played by Norbert Gembaczka on the organ in Berlin’s St. Ludwig’s Church, dubbed into the master. Audio quality throughout is exemplary, with remarkable clarity and impact, par ticularly in the percussion. Some Russian conductors prefer to end the symphony, in grandiose fashion, with the final pages of the the first movement instead of the soft gentle original ending. I’m surprised, considering his imagination, Pletnev doesn’t. At any rate, this is an outstanding performance and audio is among the best produced by Pentatone. This is a treat for the collector, and highly recommended.”