Jean-Marie is one of the balance engineers at Polyhymnia International . He has worked with many top classical artists, including Alfred Brendel, Ricardo Muti, J.E.Gardiner, Valeri Gergiev, Seiji Ozawa, Fabio Luisi, and Ivan Fischer. He has also recorded two albums for Andrea Bocelli, “Opera arias” and “Sacred Arias”. Jean-Marie studied audio recording at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague between 1984 and 1988, specializing in classical music with a special interest in baroque music.
From 1988 to 1990 he worked as a mastering engineer. In addition he freelanced as a classical recording and PA engineer. In 1990 he started working freelance for Philips Classics in Baarn as an editor and as a recording, remastering, and audio engineer. In 1996 was appointed to a full-time position as balance engineer for Philips Classics. Jean-Marie is very much involved with analogue electronics, and the audibility of electronics and cables.